The trajectories can be plotted either in 2-D or in 3-D, using the
and plotly
libraries. Additionally the
densities of the track properties can be visualized.
The plot2d()
function takes either one or two arguments.
The second argument can be a single track data.frame or list of track
data.frames as for example the output of n.sim.cons.3d()
Also a DEM rasterLayer can be passed to the function.
plot2d(niclas, cerwList, DEM=dem,
titleText=paste("Steps: ", nrow(niclas), ", Niclas", sep=""))
#> Warning in CPL_crs_from_input(x): GDAL Message 1: +init=epsg:XXXX syntax is
#> deprecated. It might return a CRS with a non-EPSG compliant axis order.
The plot3d()
function takes either one or two arguments.
The second argument can be a single track data.frame or list of track
data.frames as for example the output of n.sim.cons.3d()
Also a DEM rasterLayer, which is plotted as a surface can be passed to
the function.
The function takes either one or two tracks. The second track can be
a list of tracks as for example the output of
. In this case the densities of turn angle,
lift angle and step length of all the simulations is taken. Additionally
the autodifferences
parameter can be set to
, then the densities of the auto differences in turn
angle, lift angle and step length are visualized.